Justice & Peace Group/Fairtrade A number of parishioners are involved in the local Justice and Peace Groups with members from different churches which meet regularly to discuss, share ideas and support campaigns for a wide range of local, national and international issues. Local campaigning and activities support "Stamp Out Poverty" which is sponsored by all the major aid agencies including CAFOD and Fairtrade events are held. Association of the Propagation of Faith (APF) The APF is well supported in the parish. The red box scheme flourishes as an easy but effective way to raise money to support the Church's overseas missions. CAFODContributions are made to CAFOD both privately and through parish collections during Lent and at an October Harvest Fast Day. In addition, several Diocesan events are supported.Careline The Parish operates Careline to help people to attend Mass by providing transport. Prayer ChainThe Parish operates a Prayer Chain. Parishioners are invited to contact the Prayer Chain if they wish prayers to be said for any special intention.Mothers' Prayers GroupTwo small groups of mothers gather to pray for their children and the many children worldwide in distress through war, displacement and violence. Parish Activities
The RC Parish of Oxted & Warlingham
The parish is part of the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust registered charity no.252878 www.dabnet.org